Face like a storm, formed from a diamond. - Alan Hanson

Alexis Hyde sweats art, willingly, and it’s not always pretty. She is passionately driven to learn about, write about and spreading the appreciation of art. Hyde lives in LA and wages her very breath on discovering the best of the finer arts in her fair and far-flung city. She is currently working as an art advisor/dealer/curator/podcast host/whathaveyou, but you may have seen her most recently as the Director of the Museum of Broken Relationships ,Co-Curator of soft. core. la.  , or Curator of the Quinn Emanuel Artist-in-Residence program.

Originally hailing from Austin, Texas, Alexis Hyde has been a vocal and passionate proponent, participant and ally of the Los Angeles art scene for over a decade. She ran away from Texas as fast as a plane would carry her to the glorious halls of UCSB, where she had been recruited for physics. After 3 years of expanding her mind and fighting the most boring and redundant fight against the inherent misogynistic tendencies pervasive in the STEM fields at the time, she changed her focus to art and her major to art history. If you really think about it, they are basically the same thing.

Hyde’s unique left brain/right brain background prepared her well for her first art world challenge, sourcing metals for a Carl Andre sculpture show and she was hooked. Cutting her teeth at such institutions as Doug Aitken’s studio and Richard Meier & Partners, she is no stranger to the unprecedented and truly Los Angeles.  In addition, she is also known for her writing and curating online and IRL for projects with Spike Jonze’s film 'I’m Here', Ann Taylor, The Getty, LACMA, The Newsstand, Hyperallergic and ArtShareLA. We would also be remiss to leave out that in certain circles she is moderately Tumblr famous for her long running blog Hyde or Die.

Hyde lives in Hyde Park (she is more clever than to make this up) with her partner, his son, their dog and a kitten that recently ran into the house while the door was open and has decided not to leave. She likes to garden, make recipes she found on tik tok, and contemplate the social etiquette of referring to oneself in a bio in the third person.